Tuesday, May 11, 2010

pics coming soon

I have been promising people for a while now that I would put up pictures of the belly. (Not that there is really much of a belly yet) Well in the past 3 weeks we have painted pretty much the whole house in Junction City, moved everything in, cleaned wonderfully at the Ogden house, and did the final walk through there. Needless to say I've not had a whole lot of time to write on here. So for a quick little update until I find the box the camera is in here you go:

*we love our new home. It is so much nicer than the Ogden house and just closer to everything (work, church, wal-mart)

*I had my first Centering Pregnancy appointment and LOVED it! The doctor part was done by the nurse and baby's heart tones were at 152... lower than 170= boy is what one friend told me.

*I make the ultra-sound appointment this week and we are still going back and forth and whether we are going to find out. We have the complete opposite opinion when it comes to finding out the gender or not. I want to wait on the first and find out on the rest, Jon wants to find out on the first and doesn't care about the rest. I figure we have about 3 weeks to come up with a solid decision on what's going to happen at the appointment.

*I came down with a cold over the weekend. :( not so fun but I also go to shoot my first gun. I went to this women on target thing and it was way more fun than I thought it would be. I shot rifle, shotgun, 357 magnum with 38 specials, a .40 semi-auto hand gun, bow and arrow, and muzzle loaders. What a fun day.

Alright that should hold you over until I am unpacked and can put up pics.

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