Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We're getting close!

Well right now it is 7:53 in the morning. I have not been out of bed and up this early since Jon had surgery. Jon got up for PT at 5:20 and I usually wake up with him but lay in bed just to say bye and I love you. Not this morning. His alarm went off and I was more awake than he. So once he left I tried to fall asleep for about 15 minutes and then gave up and came downstairs to do my prego yoga.

I cannot believe my due date is just one week away! Where has the time gone? Thinking about how fast these last 10 months have gone by makes me very hopeful that Jon's upcoming deployment will seem to go by just as fast.

We got our maternity pictures taken and Angela did an amazing job. You can see them in my photos on Facebook or just wait until I post them here. Jonathan wasn't very into the idea at first but in the end he really enjoyed taking them. I think this is going to be something to treasure for sure.

So the big question lately has been "How are you feeling?"

I am feeling alright mostly. I wake up about every hour now throughout the night but I suppose that is just God preparing me for when baby is actually here. Exercise is definitely more challenging as I am out of breath quite fast these days but we still try to get out and walk at least once a week. I have been the queen of naps and I don't foresee today being any different (especially with being up so early this morning). A week ago my nurse did a cervix exam and she said that I was 1 cm dilated and about 50% effaced. I have another appointment today but I'm not sure if they will check again or not.

Any day now though! Can you believe it??