Friday, April 2, 2010

Week 12

Our baby looks like a baby! I had my second appointment on Monday and it went great. The OB was so nice and even though it was an exam appointment (not so fun) she did not make it uncomfortable at all. After the exam she got the doppler out to listen to the heartbeat but couldn't really find it so she got out the utlrasound machine. I got to see our little one and wow was he/she moving. Before I could even see the screen my ob said "no wonder I couldn't get it with the doppler" Hands were waving and feet were kicking. Of course only being 12 weeks I couldn't feel it which is probably good with how much our kiddo was moving. After a couple seconds the little baby calmed down and we were able to get a pretty good picture.

I was excited to see the growth in only 3 weeks. What a miracle. God is so good to create us perfectly in the womb. I have always loved spring and watching 'new life' begin to grow but it is even cooler knowing that God had this little one planned out perfectly before I had even met Jon. So awesome! Anyway once the baby calmed down a bit we went back to the doppler and were able to get a good reading of the heart rate: 170's. I have some friends saying 'oh that means it's a girl' but I've still got no inclination either way.

It is good to know that everything is looking good and that the baby is healthy so far. I probably won't get another ultrasound until week 24 or so, and we still haven't decided to find out the gender or not. Either way I am looking forward to the enormous changes that will happen from now to then.

I still don't have much of a tummy so not me pictures yet. I'll post some next month probably.

1 comment:

eric and melea said...

wow, 2 ultrasounds so far! Your lucky, its always reassuring to actually see the baby. Before your tummy shows its hard connecting to the little one, so its nice your getting to see it!