Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A look back at Easter


Here are all my supplies to make my bunny cake. Rich and creamy vanilla frosting, red food coloring, blue food coloring (start with little drops and add as needed to get the pink and blue), twizzlers, cake decorating gel, and a spatula. *Normally there would be coconut with green food coloring around as grass but Jon does not like coconut so i left it out.

Bake two same sized round cakes.

I put one round cake on top of the other and used a fork to create an outline for the bow. I then moved it to the other side and did the same thing and then used a knife to cut the bow. The left over parts are used for the ears

All my pieces

I poked holes like I did before to know where to cut the ears

I put the pieces where they belonged so I knew how they would lay on the plate

I frosted the entire cake with white first and then used the pink to fill in the ears

The final product

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well I finally went through and cleared up the camera a bit. We have been busy painting baby's room and organizing things from showers and then now getting Jon ready to head to Ft. Polk for some training.

Tomorrow I will post more pictures from the past but tonight here are the progress pictures of our little Monkey's room:

So here are the blank white walls with all baby's stuff in the middle of the room.

This is what we decided to use for the main colors. The base coat is the same color as the rest of the house kind of a creamy tan. I think the official name was toasted cashew. We then went and got some dark brown to make a 5 inch boarder all the way across the walls.

The paint tape didn't do the BEST job with making a straight edge so I went back and put my perfectionism to a good use and straightened out the edges of the boarder.

Below are the colors we chose for the inside of the boarder

I created an outline on paper before actually painting and then put up stencils and wrote with pencil to trace over.

Then finally the finished product as far as paint goes.